I’m out of town so I’ll share this today!

New Hope for Dry Bones

There are definitely times that my bright, shining hope begins to fade. The new wears off and I get used to it. I become stressed by day to day life and I misplace it. I don’t lose it just yet. I just put it in the wrong things. I hope work gets better. I hope life gets easier. I hope other people stop annoying me. I hope the car runs good. I put my hope in so many different things and things slowly and surely begin to disappoint me and my hope begins to run dry.

Life is hard at times. I’ll never understand all of the reasoning why God allows it to be so hard. But my hope has to stay in him. I cannot live a life without hope. I cannot live a life with hope that is fickle and wavering. I have to place my hope in…

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